Saturday, October 8, 2011

Being Open & Receptive

I have to say, the minute I went viral with the preview of my book, my story, and really being open to this journey from a public perspective - the last people I thought, have surfaced and come to the table with guidance, stories, friends of friends who they want to connect me with, avenues of sharing my book, ideas, help, and so on. I was so private about this for so long. Why? Did I fear what other people thought of me, my children, my family, did I want to keep up outward appearances - so we could glide along, somewhat unnoticed. Mabye a little bit of it all. A TERRIBLE emotional cocktail. Why do we do this to ourselves. Walking around as if no one shares in the same pain, fear, whatever it may be. It's time for us to get honest with our story, to share it and to know that what we share is used to heal, to enlighten. Enough with "status quo"...really! And you know really taught me to not "care" what others think and to live life OUTLOAD - D'Angelo and Adalina, the two angels, who, through their Autism, really don't pay attention to outward, what a lesson!

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